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General terms and conditions

Wine.Pop Tom Voltz c/o RA Michael Voltz, Antonienstrasse 1, 80802 Munich, Germany (hereinafter "Wine.Pop") publishes information/advertising for wine tourism under "Wine.Pop" under various domains on the internet, as apps for iPhone and Android smartphones and in printed form.


With WineCities, Wine.Pop supports cities that have a special connection to wine culture.

Your wine city can promote itself and its events and wine festivals, upload photos and update them. For this purpose, you receive a confidential folder in Wine.Pop's cloud where you can deposit promotional articles, event dates and references to wineries associated with their city. Wine.Pop processes updates promptly as soon as we receive an email about an update. The email address will be made known separately.

Wine.Pop has backups made of all data on a daily basis. Nevertheless, Wine.Pop accepts no liability for the uninterrupted, secure and error-free functioning of the platforms, or for lost data belonging to the customer.

Costs for you

The publications including translations and any updates are free of charge for wine towns until further notice. If the platform is well received and actively used by wine lovers, we will inform you with concrete user figures. In mutual exchange with the connected WineCities, we would then like to find an appropriate payment model together. There will be no automatic changeover from free to fee-based.

Publication rights

Wine.Pop is liable for the legal correctness of its publications. In particular, this includes its possible use of image, text, video or audio material or legally protected signs of third parties, for which the city confirms that it has the necessary rights of use to publish them on Wine.Pop. Wine.Pop is not obliged to check whether the rights of third parties have been touched. The city agrees to hold Wine.Pop harmless in the event of any disputes.

In order to promote WineCities and the Wine.Pop platforms, you expressly allow Wine.Pop to use your photos and other content on social media platforms such as Instagram and others. Wine.Pop will publish versions of photos to fit the platforms' specifications for size and format.


Wine.Pop uses software from external service providers to translate the texts of Wine.Pop. Wine.Pop is not liable for the quality of the translations, but will of course quickly correct any errors reported to Wine.Pop.

Concerning the Community/Forum area

a. The member of the WinePop community grants WinePop the right of use for an unlimited period of time to publish the images, data and contributions created and sent by him/her on the platform, including WinePop social media, free of charge. All other copyrights and rights of use shall remain with the user.

b. The WinePop community member assures that the copyrights to the texts, images, drawings, graphics, data, etc. published in his/her contributions are owned by him/her and that these are free from third-party rights. Otherwise, the user shall indemnify WinePop against any claims for damages by third parties.

c. Contributions published as image or text quotations must be labelled as quotations and the source cited. Otherwise, the community member shall indemnify WinePop against any claims for damages by third parties.

d. Community members agree to be listed in the community statistics.
e. Members who have entered an invalid e-mail address may be blocked or excluded from further participation in the forum.


German law and in particular the German provisions on data protection apply.

In the event of legal action against Wine.Pop Tomas Voltz, the place of jurisdiction is Munich/Germany; in the event of legal action against the advertiser, the place of jurisdiction is the advertiser's place of residence or business.

If any provisions of these rules are invalid, they shall be replaced by the valid provision that the parties would have reasonably chosen to achieve the purpose of their agreements if they had known that the provisions were invalid. The validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected by the invalidity of individual provisions.

This translation is for your orientation. The legally binding version is German. This translation was done with

Contact us

1. The sales price is €5.500.000.

2. You will be discussing the purchase with an executive of Mas Boronat.

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