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Wine.Pop presents wine cities and their great wine festivals. This photo was taken in Alsace, France.

For Lovers of Wine and Culture:
Great Wine Festivals! Great Wine Cities!

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Visit the Wine Festivals of these European WineCities:

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  • Deutschland (22)


  • 05.2025 (3)
  • 06.2025 (2)
  • 07.2025 (4)
  • 08.2025 (4)
  • 09.2025 (6)
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Wartberg Wein Panorama Weg Familie_2020_cd_4514
23.05.2025  —  23.05.2025
Sommerfest der Genossenschaftskellerei
Heilbronn, Württemberg, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland

Summer party at the co-operative winery

Wine, music and good humour. This is how the popular summer festival of the cooperative winery, which is known far beyond the region, presents itself. A top-class musical programme accompanies the culinary delights and exquisite wines from the “Weinschatzkeller Heilbronn”. A festival for the whole family in the courtyard of the Heilbronn co-operative winery. The Wine-Treasure-Cellar is of course open.

An image of people enjoying a wine festival or a landscape showing vineyards and their surroundings to invite you to visit this wine city.
24.05.2025  —  25.05.2025
Oberkircher Erdbeerfest
Oberkirch - Renchtal, Württemberg, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland

Oberkirch is celebrating the Oberkirch Strawberry Festival for the 24th time this weekend. Tonnes of delicious strawberries are harvested in the region every year.

Naturally, the fruit takes centre stage again this weekend. Fruity strawberry punch, delicious strawberry milk, strawberry cakes and tarts in a wide variety of flavours and many other culinary delights await visitors to the Oberkirch pedestrian zone.

In addition to regional self-marketers, wineries and food stalls, numerous artisans from the region also offer their treasures for sale.

Open-air concerts frame the Strawberry Festival and create a great atmosphere. There is also a great programme for the little ones on both days of the festival and, of course, the Baden-Württemberg Strawberry Queen will be on hand to sign autographs.

An image of people enjoying a wine festival or a landscape showing vineyards and their surroundings to invite you to visit this wine city.
29.05.2025  —  1.06.2025
Tage der offenen Weinkeller in Traben-Trarbach und Wolf
Traben-Trarbach + Kröv, Mosel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland

On Ascension Day weekend from Thursday, 29 May to Sunday, 1 June 2025, it’s time again – then it’s “Visiting the Winegrower” in Traben-Trarbach and Wolf.

All visitors are warmly and amicably welcome to spend a varied and diverse weekend with the winegrowers. Wineries in Traben-Trarbach and Wolf invite you to enjoy sparkling Rieslings and other excellent Moselle wines at their open cellar days, where everything to do with wine takes centre stage and you can not only enjoy the excellent wines, but also find out lots of interesting facts about growing and storing wine at the wineries and wine cellars. The racy Moselle wines are of course accompanied by typical and traditional dishes from the winegrowers’ kitchen. The winegrowers also offer guests a varied and diverse programme and show that music, culture and the famous Moselle wine complement each other perfectly.

Wartberg Wein Panorama Weg Familie_2020_cd_4514
1.06.2025  —  30.09.2025
Heilbronner Weinsommer
Heilbronn, Württemberg, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland

Whether it’s wine after-work at the winery, a farm festival, a rustic hocket, a wine picnic among the vines or a classic tasting in the wine cellar: THE WINE SUMMER in Heilbronn has something to suit every wine lover between June and October. There are almost endless moments of wine enjoyment, and not just at weekends and in marvellous locations. All wine-related offers are bundled on our website.

An image of people enjoying a wine festival or a landscape showing vineyards and their surroundings to invite you to visit this wine city.
11.07.2025  —  14.07.2025
Traben-Trarbach + Kröv, Mosel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland

From 11 – 14 July 2025, the banks of the Moselle in Trarbach will once again be transformed into an atmospheric festival site with wine, music and culinary specialties.

People meet in the cosy wine village and in front of the stage on the square on the banks of the Moselle. Enjoy a varied festival programme for young and old together with locals, visitors and holiday guests. In addition to the good wine and sparkling wine, the music takes centre stage.

Because wine festivals attract wine lovers from around the world — if they know about them.
Because wine lovers spend more money than the average tourist.
Because our 6 language platform helps you reach more wine lovers than before.
Because WineCities multiplies your tourism promotion.

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